• Type: Project
  • Department: Cooperative Economic
  • Project ID: CEM0019
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000 ($14)
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Pages: 38 Pages
  • Methodology: simple percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 2.8K
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Since both government and private body have failed to provide a lasting solution to unemployment menace, co-operative becomes another alternative solution of necessity in order to make a concise generalization of cooperative solution in Nkanu was used to conduct.  Literature reviews were carried out based on what the reviews of their other writers.  Some writers sound emphatically factual while some were controversial.  The use of questionnaire and interview were used to get data since the study is an attitudinal survey structure personal observation where method used by researcher to obtain data in order to determine and evaluate co-operative and it impact in reducing unemployment and to recommend way of improving it activities in our economy.  The researcher used grouping tabulation (pie chart and frequency, percentage and chi-square.  Finally the researchers observe that numerous problems hampered the operation and existence of cooperative both, they have not made any removable contribution in elevating employment level.  Recommendations were made as regards to improve their activities.
1.0     introduction
1.1        Background of the study
1.2        Statement of the problem
1.3        Purpose of the study
1.4        Scope of the study
1.5        Significance of the study
1.6        Research questions
1.7        Delimitations of the study
2.0      Review of related literature
2.1    The definition and scope of unemployment
2.2       Types and causes of unemployment
2.3       The impact of economic sector on unemployment
3.0      Research design and methodology
 3.1   research design
3.2      Area of the study
3.3      Population of the study
3.4      Sample and sampling procedure
3.5      Method of data collection
3.6      Method of data analysis
4.1      Data presentation and analysis
4.2      Testing of research questions
5.0   Discussions, Recommendations and Conclusion
5.1    Discussions of results
5.2       Recommendation
5.3       Conclusions
There are some vital issues that we have not failed to know and understand about the topic under discussion.  First and foremost, we have succeeded in bringing into cognizance  that one of the support agencies which its role deals squarely on unemployment and underemployment in Nigeria  is National Directorate of Employment (NDE).  It was established by the Federal Government in November, 1986 which is solely dealing with the menace of mass unemployment in the country as it was stated in its four core programmes and it was inaugurated on 30th of January, 1987.
 On the other hand, the co-operative societies  are not exempted, in so far that the both are promoting the creation of employment opportunities for co-operators.  Co-operative itself cuts across every facet of social, political and economic aspects.   For instance, Nigeria Agricultural and Co-operative Bank (NACB) which was constituted in 1973 by the federal Government with an initial capital of twelve million naira (N12m).  In this direction of co-operative societies in the agricultural sector with the provision of credit facilities.
 In furtherance, National Directorate of Employment has the following cardinal objectives to achieve especially in generating employment.  Ensuring that co-operators or job seekers become entrepreneurial oriented and pay less attention on government paid employment and thus reducing drastically the high level of unemployment.
 Before we round off, the federal government has been making concerted effort to mass unemployment.  Currently, Olusegun Obasanjo’s regime is tackling this through  National Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP) as far back as 1999 till date (2012).  All is to stamp out unemployment.
 Recently, the National Directorate of Employment announced and outlined various training programmes and thousands of job to be provided for the unemployed Nigerians at the middle of August, 2012.
More often than not, lack of employment has given rise to all kinds of set back, problem in all sectors of our economy.  In fat, the high rate of unemployment and under employment has completely raged the socio-economic well - being of our nation, thereby, causing untold hardship, depression, frustration and forceful massive exodus of our teeming brethrens who are seeking for greener pastures abroad.
 In other words, the fact remains that the high rate of unemployment problems are getting out of hand and even reached to a worsening level.  Day-by – day, it multiplies to an alarming proportion.
 Therefore, we still believe that there is a room for absolute alleviation or even eradication of this unemployment scourge who has done more harm than good.   Then, what is likely going to be the hope and future of our human and material resources in Nigeria?  Is it not the high time  for the federal government to introduce practical policies and implement them without any delay; for a stitch  in time saves nine?  Are we going to create a good atmospheric condition which is conducive for our citizens and possibly discourage them from traveling to overseas?  In a sum, your guess is as good as mine.  Let us place our hands on deck, to fight this intractable problem of unemployment bedeviling this nation.  Government should do their own and the citizens should do theirs as well in order to find a lasting solution to all these problems ravaging the entire fabric of our economy.
It is imperative to outline some of the things that are uppermost in mind which have been given special attention.
 Most importantly, the reasons are not far fetched which must and hop0ed to be actualized as far as “Unemployment and Co-operative Societies” is concerned.  Thus, these are the overriding purposes of the study, namely:-
1.    To design and implement programmes to combat mass unemployment.
2.    To articulate policies aimed at developing work programmes with labour intensive potentials.
3.    To obtain and maintain a data bank on employment and vacancies in the country with a view to acting as a clearing house to link job seekers with vacancies in collaboration with other government agencies.
4.    To discourage in entirely of being over-dependent  on government paid employment and non-governmental establishment but rather become innovative and creative.
5.    To promote vocational skills acquisition in co-operative societies because it cuts across every sphere of specialization such as thrift and loan co-operative society, Agricultural co-operative society, to mention but a few.
The significance of this very topic under discussion arises as a result of man’s quest for finding problem – solving  to avoid the problem of unemployment and underemployment  especially in co-operative societies.
 Also, to promote the relevance of spirit of Co-operation which  the co-operative societies tends to uplift and maintain.
 Then, ensuring that different programmes of creating massive employment is implemented and achieved not only in cooperative societies but throughout the socio-economic and political sectors of the nation.
As its names implies, some of the questions asked in the course of research are listed below:
1.     What are the means by which unemployment in cooperative societies could be alleviated or eradicated?
2.     What is the department of co-operative doing in particular to raise employment opportunities?
3.     What are really the causes of ever increasing unemployment problems?
4.     Why is it that nowadays, some people do not want to join co-operative society in your local government area?
5.     Lastly, what are the positive contributions of co-operative since its existence in your local government?

For more Info, call us on
+234 8130 686 500
+234 8093 423 853

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  • Type: Project
  • Department: Cooperative Economic
  • Project ID: CEM0019
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000 ($14)
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Pages: 38 Pages
  • Methodology: simple percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 2.8K
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    Type Project
    Department Cooperative Economic
    Project ID CEM0019
    Fee ₦5,000 ($14)
    Chapters 5 Chapters
    No of Pages 38 Pages
    Methodology simple percentage
    Reference YES
    Format Microsoft Word

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